List of some editing enhancement ideas

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List of some editing enhancement ideas

Postby Lytz1 » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:42 am

I came up with some ideas to enhance workflow and creative editing in Metro.
Maybe you like one or two of them and some are hopefully easy to accomplish.

1) Make monophonic.

Reduce (Chord) notes to monophonic line. Highest or lowest note gets priority.

2) Shuffle Pitches

Pitches of selected notes randomly swap their respective positions.
I.e. C---E--A-----F becomes E---F--C-----A.

3) Make Chord

Select a single note and add notes to complete the note into a chord according to chord marker

4) (Selection Filter:) Select notes above/below certain pitch/note

Lets you select all notes above/below a certain pitch

5) (Selection Filter:) Select all notes of same pitch across all octaves

I.e. 'C' selects all 'C's across all octaves

6) (Selection Filter:) Select all notes in octave X

I.e. '3' selects all notes that fall into the 3rd octave.

7) Inverse Note Selection (inside Time Selection)
Inverse the selection of the selected notes inside the selected timespan/area

now the ADVANCED one:

- Delete quantize. Delete all notes on Track X that are not closer than y clocks away
from notes from source track Z.

I.e.: Use the quantize to track feature to delete all notes of the destination track (instead of moving them)
that don't align to source track.

A concrete example: I have several (lead generator) tracks that I want to line up in positions.
When I use Quantize to track a lot of notes get moved to the same position which results in a mess.

If you could just delete the notes that are not too far away from the Lead Generator guide track you have
some seriously amazing stuff going on. I tested this with three short tracks by doing this manually,
but it is a lot of work and when you have more tracks and/or a longer time range it's extremely difficult to do.


Like I said, these are just some ideas that came up and I can imagine these FR's are heavily dependent
on the time and effort needed to realize. But maybe you get some inspiration for other stuff from them as well...

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Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:21 pm

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